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The AVL K-Series Loom is really state of the art and is the world's most advanced handloom for complex weaving.


Please email or call for the latest price and quotation (please note as this is an order only item, prices will vary depending on current exchange rates, and latest shipment rates).


Please note prices include delivery of assembled loom, and full ongoing technical support.


If you are a complex weaver, then great, this loom is for you.  This loom provides true precision for your creations.  The design it truly ergonomic and intuitive, and helps you keep focused on your important weaving projects without inefficient distractions. 


Honoring AVL’s tradition of innovation, the K-Series introduces new and improved technologies and design that offer unmatched creative potential.


For the first time treadling up to 40 shafts is not just made possible, it’s made easy. Warp movement works with you as you weave, and adjustments come with the tap of a button.


Connecting your laptop, tablet, or phone is straightforward and instant. Technology assists where it needs to, and the weavers’ touch is left to shine.


Highlights of the K-Series:



  • Built-in loom control via web browser. No software or driver installations needed.

  • WiFi, USB connect-ability.

  • Built-in pattern storage. Save designs on the Compu-Dobby.

  • Advanced diagnostics to prevent downtime. No more surprises!

  • Easily connect to laptop, tablet, phone for loom control.


Countermarch Dobby

  • Center-shedding means bigger sheds for easier weaving.

  • Dobby equals no crawling under the loom for tie-ups, or remembering complicated treadling sequences.

  • Perfectly balanced to ensure light-touch treadling up to 40 harnesses.

  • No lift assist necessary.

  • Again, treadling is light! Weaving hours on end is a walk in the park. 


Digital tension and advancing systems

  • Digital dynamic warp tension and cloth advance systems.

  • Adjustments made at the press of a button.

  • Digital control means continuous weaving without interruptions. A project can be woven from start to finish without pausing to advance or adjust tension. 




  • Small footprint - easy to work around and perfect for home or studio.

  • Beam cover protects arms from scratching on the sticky breast beam.

  • Adjustable bench with height and seat-tilt adjustability for comfort.

  • Built-in shelf for handy convenience.

  • Our quietest Compu-Dobby® ever. Keep your partners and pets happy!

AVL K-Series Floor Loom -32" (24, 32, 40 shaft options)

Out of Stock
  • We are delighted to partner with AVL Looms.

    Our stock orders have been placed, and as these items are maticulously manufactured and hand crafted to order, product availability is scheduled for summer 2021.  

    Order and reserve now to avoid disappointment.


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