Share in the wonders of tapestry and frame loom weaving.
Goki Tapestry Frame Loom
Schacht Arras Beam Kit
Schacht Arras Trap
Schacht Arras Stand
Schacht Arras Treadle Kit
Schacht Duet Tapestry Beater
Hardwood Tapestry Loom on stands - 2 sizes
Harrisville Tapestry Loom Complete Starter Kit
Schacht Stick Shuttles
Schacht 3 in 1 Magic Stick
Schacht Cricket Floor Stand
Schacht Trap for 15" Cricket Rigid Heddle Loom
Schacht Tapestry Beater - Weighted
Schacht Tapestry Beaters - Single Ended
Schacht Tapestry Beaters - Double Ended
Schacht Arras Tapestry Loom - 20" Weaving Width
Schacht Tapestry Loom - 25"
Schacht A-Frame Stand for Tapestry Loom
Schacht School Frame Loom - 15" Width
Schacht Zoom Loom