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AVL looms - the beautiful AVL Home loom

In today's blog we are going to introduce the AVL Home Loom

AVL is based in Chico California, and the loom designs and inspiration started with Jim Ahrens (1906-2000), a mechanical engineer by trade who began designing looms in the 1930s. Beyond designing looms, Jim was also a production handweaver including contract weaving for department stores, owner-operator of a weaving school and retail store, and textile researcher for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The AVL Home loom which is simple, elegant, and first designed in 1949 by Jim Ahrens. Its very simple and unique side-tie up system sets this loom apart from others in its class as there's no need to get under the loom to tie up harnesses.

The Home Loom is a rising shed loom that uses a system of harness springs and spring levers to create a shed. Unlike jack looms with heavy harnesses, the AVL spring lever system uses lightweight harness frames. Therefore treadling is light and easy even with sticky yarns and high tension.

Also, with its folding frame and low profile, the AVL Home Loom won't take up much space in your home, studio or classroom.

The Home loom is available in 2 widths 40" and 48"

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