Hello to our wonderful customers.
We have been advised by Louet that from the 1st July 2023, all prices are set to rise up to 8%. Furthermore all UK dealers are expected to set prices at Louet's minimum recommended retail prices which is somewhat higher than the prices we are offering right now on current stocks.
We have a number of Louet Looms in stock right now, so if you are pondering a loom, not decided and want to make a decision now to save some £££, then please get in touch to secure one of the Louet looms we have in stock at current prices.
We currently have the following products in stock.
Louët Spring II - 110" 12 shaft - in stock
Louët David III 90-8 - in stock
Louët David III 110-8 - in stock
Louët Jane 50-8 & floor stands - in stock
Louët Jane 70-8 & floor stands - in stock
Louët Erica 30-4 (& stands and accessory kit) - in stock
Louët Erica 50-4 (& stands and accessory kit) - in stock
Louët Lisa - frame looms - all sizes in stock now
If there are Louet looms that we don't have and you wish to make an order, please do so in advance of the 1st July 2023.
Best wishes
The Wonky Weaver Team
